EYCA and ISIC cards enable the youth and student population to have many benefits during their studies, but also in everyday life through benefits from different fields (culture, tourism, traffic, trade, entertainment, education, plenty of services and accommodation) both in our country and abroad. As unique types of cards across the world, they confirm the student (ISIC) and youth (EYCA) status at the international level. Among them there is an ITIC card, which represents the international professor’s ID.

Find out more by choosing one of the following cards:


1. EYCA kartica Sajt1

An international identification card that offers numerous benefits in our country and other European countries to young people under the age of 30, regardless of whether they are students, employees or the unemployed.


ISIC kartica1

The only internationally recognized student ID that has the status of an official document at many universities and schools around the world and provides numerous discounts and benefits. It is intended for students aged from 12 years.

chip card

Studentska čip kartica Sajt

In addition to electronic data recording in Student homes throughout Serbia and Colleges, the Student Chip card contains ISIC and EYCA cards, which means that you can use all of their benefits.


4. Učenička kartica Sajt1

It enables electronic data recording in Students homes throughout Serbia, but it also contains EYCA card, which means that you can use all of its benefits.



An international professor identification card intended for professors from primary schools, secondary schools and faculties.

maestro card

Isic maestro

It is intended for students between the ages of 18 and 28 who want to have a payment function in one card besides ISIC benefits.

ISIC Maestro platna kartica

Kome je namenjena ISIC Maesto kartica OTP banke?

  • Svim studentima koji imaju dokaz o studiranju u tekućoj školskoj godini i imaju između 18 i 28. godina.

Šta dobijaš uz ISIC karticu?

ISIC predstavlja jedini međunarodno priznati studentski ID koji dokazuje status studenta u preko 120 zemalja sveta.

  • Jedinstveni međunarodni STUDENTSKI ID
  • Popuste u našoj i drugim zemljama sveta koji se mogu pretražiti u odeljku Popusti

Popusti se odnose na različite oblasti: kupovinu ulaznica za muzeje, pozorišta, karata za autobuski i železnički saobraćaj, smeštaj u hotelima i hostelima, posete ugostiteljskih objekata, kupovinu garderobe i drugih potreba mladih u različitim lancima trgovine i na putovanjima

  • Poklone tokom cele godine na promocijama i putem društvenih mreža

Neophodno je pratiti Facebook i Instagram profil namenjen korisnicima kartica radi redovnog obaveštavanja o svim aktuelnostima

  • Pogodnosti na prijave za program kulturne razmene WORK & TRAVEL korisnicima ISIC kartica koji ispunjavaju uslove za prijavu na program.
    Više o progrramu na sledećem linku: www.workandtravelamerika.rs
isic maestro

Koje su prednosti platne funkcije i karakteristike bankarskog paketa?

ISIC Maestro kartica omogućava da plaćate robu i usluge, kao i da podižete gotovinu na bankomatima sa oznakom Maestro u Srbiji i inostranstvu.

Paket za studente otvoren u OTP banci sadrži:

  • Dinarski i devizni tekući račun
  • VISA Virtuon Card za plaćanja putem internet
  • SMS servis – za potpunu kontrolu računa i kartice. Prvih pet poruka je besplatno
  • OTP Direct – elektronsko bankarstvo putem koga imate potpuni uvid u svoj paket računa i preko koga možete da plaćate račune
  • Dozvoljeno prekoračenje u iznosu od 20.000 dinara ukoliko je roditelj žirant
  • ISIC Maestro platna kartica OTP banke je debitna kartica
  • Prvih pet uplatnica u mesecu na šalteru OTP banke je sa provizijom od samo 15
  • Mesečno održavanje računa je samo 20 RSD.
  • Podizanje novca na bankomatima OTP banke širom Srbije je bez provizije.

Kako da postanem korisnik ISIC Maestro kartice?

Karticu možeš izvaditi u jednoj od ekspozitura OTP banke širom Srbije.

Potrebna dokumenta:

  • Kopija lične karte (neophodno je da korisnik ima 18-28 godina).
  • Kopija indeksa (prve strane i strane sa overenim semestrom za tekuću školsku godinu) ili uverenje o studiranju. Apsolventi, postdiplomci i specijalizanti dostavljaju uverenje o redovnom studiranju.
  • Godišnja članarina u iznosu od 700 RSD koja važi od septembra jedne do decembra naredne školske godine (kartica je vezana za školsku godinu).


European youth center was founded in Serbia in 2002 and it is representing the project of the European Youth Card (EYCA) which, in addition to numerous benefits from various fields, aims to enable the youth and student population to participate in many international programs that encourage mobility and youth awareness.

As a long-term partner of the Global Travel Group in Serbia, European Youth Center has the exclusive right to participate in the development of the International Student Identity Card (ISIC), which joins the world’s unique project for students and it is present in over 120 countries of the world.


The student card is designed to support the mobility of young people and students, to encourage learning about different cultures and to participate in various programs and projects.

Cardholders can realize numerous discounts and benefits in Serbia and throughout Europe on education, culture, sports, tourism, entertainment, recreational contents and various youth events.


Starine Novaka 1 (first floor)
Belgrade, Serbia

+381 11 3349 877

Monday – Friday
8 AM – 4 PM


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